Guidelines for use of educational Technology in a 1:1 Laptop Environment
Sacred Heart Primary School, Highgate 2014
A Reflection and Recommendations after 2 Years of Implementation in Year 4-6
(Review in 2016)
Observations of what has been successful.
Observations of what needs further and ongoing attention
The combination of using educational technology with Project Based and Authentic Instruction.
Using technology to organise core skills of learning. Examples Spelling - Audio recording and Conquer Words in Google Docs, Reading - RAZ Kids reading results.
Communication - with parents via class blogs or websites. With students via Edmodo, class blogs, Google docs, Airdrop facility.
Ability to use technology to engage higher order thinking and the General Capabilities from ACARA.
The quality of lessons that involve meaningful uses of technology directed at improving student learning.
Use of MacBook applications such as iBooks Author to consolidate learning.
Digital Citizenship has been adopted well by students.
Use of flipped learning as a real aspect of teaching that promotes independence and autonomy.
Individualise learning
Digital Citizenship and the digital licence has been adopted well by students.
Ensuring direct and explicit instruction still remains an essential part of the daily teaching strategies implementing technology integration when it enriches and can improve the learning experience.
Continued focus on core learning before, during or after technology integration.
Incorporation of Google Apps including Google Classroom to further enhance productivity.
Using Mathletics in a more directed and strategic manner and for predominantly school based use.
Continued focus on the quality of lessons that involve meaningful uses of technology directed at improving student learning.
Digital portfolios of learning - using apps such iBooks Author to communicate student learning to parents.
Consolidation of the 20/20 model of 20 minutes work time, stand and move and look at something 20 m away. (not being seen in most classes as an ingrained student action)
More parent access to planning of fluencies so that they are more informed and better able to help and support their children.
Continued refinement of the 21st Century Fluencies as a planning model for project based authentic instruction.
Work with Edith Cowan study project ongoing.
Parent workshops on using Apple devices.
Continued focus on individualised learning
Stronger consistency of approaches throughout the three year levels.
Continued development of the digital licence process and implementation as required.
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