Student Educational Technology Forum
To follow up from our community round table discussion, some of our students from Years 4,5 and 6 discussed the following questions and the following responses came from the conversation.
What are your thoughts and feelings about using
Technology at school for learning.
- Makes people want to learn.
- Gives them motivation and determination to learn.
- Can use technology in your future employment.
- Helps us get ready for high school.
- Don't have to carry as many books.
- Our parents can see what we are learning at school.
- It is portable.
- Helps us to connect with and learn from others.
- Able to present our work in creative and interesting ways.
- We should still learn how to do handwriting.
- We would have less anxiety about forgetting work.
- We don't have to use technology all the time, for some things we don't need computers.
What do you think is expected from Sacred Heart when
providing Technology in a way that encourages learning and digital responsibility?
- Strict rules about social media.
- We should be taught to use it safely and responsibly.
- Students learn from using technology. Learning not playing!
- The school should monitor Internet use by everyone.
- The focus should be learning about the subject.
- Let parents know that the learning is happening.
What do you think is expected of families and students
when using Technology at home and at school?
- Separate learning form playing.
- Use only during school time.
- Be careful with handling the computers.
- Parents and the school are responsible for the safe use and the monitoring.
- Incorporate but restrict technology use in their daily life.
- Students should use technology purposefully.
- Students need to be organised with charging batteries and packing laptops ready for the next day.
- Students should have an organised hard drive.
- Students with their own laptops should have a digital license and given to them during assembly. Inappropriate use may mean the license is taken away for a period of time.